I Hope This Gets You Running

Aurora Frois
2 min readJan 9, 2022
Photo by Kristian Egelund on Unsplash

Since I began, it’s impossible to ignore the power of the run.

Running is not a mere act of exercise but an intense altered state where all energy blocks in your whole being are suddenly and naturally unblocked! I don’t intend to give you all the scientific facts that will undoubtedly corroborate what I just said. Instead, I am bringing some advice that helped me start this incredible journey!

FIRST — buy a perfect pair of running sneakers, expensive ones! that way, you will really feel the need to use them at their best, running!

SECOND — buy a digital watch that can track all your progress; you will be amazed by it!

THIRD — check out running events and inscribe yourself, even if you don’t run yet;

FORTH — invite people to run with you, even if you don’t know them well; running is an excellent ice breaker and a very healthy way to meet people;

FIFTH — make it a Sunday morning routine to start, and it will quickly transform all your week;

LAST BUT NOT LEAST — make it a group routine; accountability matters all the way!

I was not a runner. I wouldn’t say I liked to run at all, but in January 2021, my partner and I watched Brittany Runs A Marathon, and since then, our life’s changed for the better.

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Aurora Frois

Former manual therapist with writing aspirations 😎🍀🍀🫶 Proud Lesbian 🏳️‍🌈❤️